Alcohol Permit Application Readiness Check

The following form will help you assess your readiness for applying for an alcohol permit.  Please answer all questions and mark all checkboxes to acknowledge all requirements can be met.

Event Space & Attendance
You can find more information about making a CEMS reservation here.
Catering & Alcohol Service
Service of food and non-alcoholic beverages will be required. How will your food & beverages be provided?
  • The name and contact info of the off-campus vendor
  • The DocuSign Envelope ID showing that the off-campus vendor has been approved by the appropriate Dean or Vice Chancellor (or delegate)

Click here to view more information about the campus catering policy and carve-out request process.

  • a licensed server
  • event security
  • a facility with a facility manager
Money Collection
Are you charging for any part of the event (i.e. cash bar, entry tickets, etc.) or is this event part of a larger paid event?

A one-day sales license can only be acquired by either:

  • a non-profit co-sponsor 
  • or a licensed bar service
  • I will need to hire a bar service to manage the serving of alcohol
  • Every individual serving alcohol must be RBS certified
  • I can provide a list of all individuals serving alcohol